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About Guadalupe    

I was born and raised in Richmond and I am a proud product of the former Richmond Unified School District. As a former student in many programs offered through the district, I have key insights into the work that needs to be done. My professional background includes extensive volunteer service where I have cultivated robust relationships that enable me to effectively advocate for the needs of students, parents, and staff. I currently serve as the Chair of the City of Richmond's Children and Youth Oversight Board, a 7/11 Committee member, and am actively engaged with the District Local Control Accountability Parents Students (DLCAP) and the Multilingual District Advisory Committee (MDAC). Additionally, I participate in my local neighborhood councils, including Coronado, Santa Fe, and Iron Triangle.

A Mother and Advocate 

As a mother of five sons, I stand in the shoes of many parents. Early in my life, I was blessed with a child born with special needs, which introduced me to the challenges of navigating the Special Education system. Advocating for my son's education was a turning point that deepened my commitment to advocacy. Witnessing other parents struggle similarly motivated me to further educate myself so I could become an advocate not just for my child, but for many others.

 Community   Involvement 

Guadalupe has built strong relationships within her community, supporting the needs of students, parents, and staff. Her active involvement is evident in her various roles:


  • Adult Chair for the City of Richmond's Children and Youth Oversight Board: Appointed in 2019, Guadalupe is tasked with developing and overseeing the rollout of important community funds.

  • Former Vice Chair on the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC): She served as oversight for bond money and facilities.

  • Member of the District Local Control Accountability Parents Students (DLCAPs) Oversight Committee: Participating actively in ensuring educational accountability.

  • Participant in the Multilingual District Advisory Committee (MDAC): Advocating for multilingual education.

  • Member of the Healthy Richmond Schools and Neighborhood Action Team (SNAT): Promoting health and wellness in schools.

A Proven Leader and Volunteer

Guadalupe's involvement goes beyond titles. As an active participant in neighborhood councils like Coronado, Santa Fe, and Iron Triangle, she collaborates with residents to get things done.

Her efforts include:


  • Supporting neighborhood clean-ups and park renovations at MLK Park.

  • Organizing community health and wellness classes.

  • Leading parent leadership and education around the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).

  • Conducting "Know Your Rights" training and Get Out the Vote (GOTV) initiatives.

  • Co-organizing the first-ever candidate picnic meet and greet, bringing candidates into the community in an informal setting.

Vision for the Future

Guadalupe believes that healthy communities support the education of children. Her story is one of resilience and dedication to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to succeed. She is committed to advancing her community as an active parent, resident, and volunteer. By leading by example, Guadalupe aims to ensure that every child has access to a great education and is prepared to tackle the world.




 Join Guadalupe in her mission to build a  stronger, more supportive Richmond 

 community. Together, we can ensure a  brighter future for all our children. 


  • Catholic Charities of East Bay Volunteer (2003 - 2005): Supported various community services and programs.

  • Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (Completed 2015): Gained skills to better support parents and families.

  • Youth Program Coordinator at St. Marks Church (2005 - 2009): Developed and managed youth programs.

  • Parent University of WCCUSD (Completed 2015): Enhanced knowledge and skills to support student success.

  • WCCUSD Parent Volunteer (2001 - Present): Long-term volunteer supporting various school activities and initiatives.

  • Innovate Public Schools / Community Organizing (Completed 2017): Trained in community organizing and advocacy.

  • Parent Leaders Action Network Community Event Planning (Completed 2018): Organized community events to engage and support parents.

  • Nystrom Family Catchment Founder (2018): Established a support network for families.

  • Building Blocks For Kids Volunteer (2014 - 2016): Contributed to initiatives supporting children and families.

  • Latina Center Workshop Assistant (2014 – Present): Assisted in workshops to empower Latina women.


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